Friday, April 12, 2013


Last weekend we took a camping trip into Oman. The landscape changed dramatically the moment we entered Oman from the UAE. Suddenly there were mountains and rocks, not only sand and dunes!
We drove off road into Wadi Shuwayhah to camp in the beautiful canyon. 
Here is our camp site, nestled into a grove of date palms. It was perfect.
Master bedroom on the right, kids' room on the left.
Miquel standing in the river bed/off road trail.

The best thing about our camping spot. . . . the water! Real, flowing water. Wow.
Depending on your size, it was deep enough to swim.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh man! What a trip. Thanks for the great pics. I know a couple of grandparents who can't wait to give some very big hugs to some very special people!